As people get older, their skin deteriorates. The skin begins to lose its elastic structure with age. In addition to these, sagging on the face becomes inevitable with many effects such as the effect of gravity, alcohol or cigarettes used, stress. There are many methods that regulate facial sagging in the field of aesthetics. With many aesthetic methods such as Botox, peeling, filling, facial sagging is tried to be prevented. Thread face lift is used as a very effective method. It eliminates the problems experienced on the face.
Thread face lift method is the most effective method used to eliminate sagging on the face. This method solves the problem. Other methods regulate the wraps on the face, but they are temporary. Facelift surgery is a long-lasting application
How is Thread Facelift Procedure Performed?
First of all, local anesthesia is performed. Local anesthesia is applied to the cleaned skin with cream. Creams with anesthetic effect prevent the person from feeling any pain. After these procedures, very fine-tipped needles or cannulas are inserted in a controlled manner into the area where the stretching procedure will be performed, which is previously drawn and determined by the doctor. Polydioxanone is a type of surgical thread. This thread is placed in the lower part of the skin diagonally to each other. Thanks to the cross placement, it allows the thread to hold more firmly to the tissues. After the thread placement process, the skin is stretched as desired according to the stretching rate determined.
The body responds positively to the threads used in thread face lift application. Thanks to the threads, collagen production, which is important for the skin, is triggered. In this way, the skin makes itself stronger.
When are the effects of thread facelift seen?
The effects are seen gradually after the application. Immediately after the application, the person can see the difference on his face. As the days pass, he will see the effect on his face more and more. After 90 days, the effect will reach the maximum level.
Who Can Have Thread Face Lift Application?
Anyone can benefit from the thread facelift method, except for those who have a disease that can be comfortable with the application in any way. In order for the facelift method to provide maximum benefit, some conditions are taken into consideration. The fact that the person to whom the method will be applied is between the ages of 35 and 50 increases the effect. People who want full results and people with wrinkles, wrinkles and collapse in other parts of the face can benefit from this method with confidence.
Permanence Period of Thread Face Lift Method?
After the applications to be performed, there are permanence processes that vary from person to person. In general, permanence continues between 1 year and 2 years. Of course, it is also very important for the person who benefits from the method to take care of himself and his skin. In cases such as smoking, alcohol use, irregular nutrition, the effect decreases. For this reason, you should also pay attention to your health after the application.
After Thread Face Lift
The person to whom the thread face lift method is applied can return to his/her social life immediately after the application. In general, the method takes between 35 and 40 minutes. After the application, mild swelling and bruises can be seen on the person's face. In such a case, no action is required. These slight bruises and swelling will disappear spontaneously in a short time. Itching may also be observed on the skin for two to three days after the application. Itching is mild. In this case, it disappears spontaneously. Keeping your head upright after the application prevents the swelling and bruises from being seen.
The person should avoid scratching, rubbing or sleeping on his/her face for at least twenty days.
Thread Face Lift Advantages
With today's technology, facelift procedures can be performed with many methods. One of the most important advantages of the thread facelift application is that no surgical operation is performed to stretch the skin. Other advantages of the thread facelift application are that the application is performed in a short time and the person undergoes a rapid healing process after the application. In addition, the person sees the effect immediately and can see the maximum effect in a short period of 3 months. General anesthesia is not required in any way during the application of the method. The area is anesthetized with creams and the person is prevented from feeling any discomfort. The fact that the person does not experience any negative complications after the application is one of the advantageous aspects of the method.