
Lipofilling is an aesthetic method that we have just started to hear about. It was first tried on four patients in our country and it was observed that success was achieved. With this method, the appearance disorders that occur in various body parts of people can be eliminated, thus creating stronger and more self-confident individuals with a new appearance. If you ask how the method is applied, a special method that no one has ever thought of before is applied. In this method, fat tissues taken from the patient's abdomen with special injectors are transplanted to the problematic area.

What distinguishes this aesthetic method from others is that this is done with a tissue from your own body instead of wearing aesthetic prostheses containing extra carcinogenic substances. Taking tissue from the fat in the belly area and transplanting it to the breast or a different area may require serious surgery, but you will not believe your eyes when you see the result. Moreover, it does not burst, tear or anything like that like artificial implants. As long as the tissue continues to exist, it continues its activity and ensures that the area always has the appearance you want.

It is a fact that this method is not yet popular in our country, but it seems that it will be a highly preferred method because it finds solutions to problems close to one hundred percent. If you want to have more beautiful lips, fuller breasts or a face that does not sag, it is now very easy with lipofilling. It manages to be a solution to your problems with its features that distinguish itself from other methods.

Thanks to Lipofilling, which is a very new treatment method in our country, you can have a successful plastic surgery. If you are considering plastic surgery for an area on your body, you can consider Lipofilling surgery. Thanks to this aesthetic treatment method, which is performed using only your own fat tissues, many people can regain their old appearance.

If the fat tissues in your skin are used correctly, they can have a healing effect on other tissues. The medical world has managed to use this effect in a positive way. Lipofilling surgery is a kind of tissue transplantation. The transplanted tissue is obtained from the patient's fatty areas. The patient improves within a certain period of time. This widespread use of tissue therapy was considered a promising development for the solution of many diseases. Tissue and marrow transplants are also seen as a hope for cancer in the coming years.

With lipofilling treatment, you can have a plastic surgery suitable for your lips, cheeks and breasts. This treatment method is quite new worldwide. There are thousands of people who have regained their former appearance and have a more beautiful body with lipofilling treatment. This method, which is frequently mentioned by experts, has gained a promising quality for the future. Lipofilling treatment, which is especially preferred by women, gives largely positive results. By choosing this method instead of artificial silicones, you can make the right choice in terms of your health.