Chin Aesthetics

Chin aesthetics is important in terms of upper, middle and lower facial harmony. It affects the facial proportions both in profile and frontal view.

Chin augmentation, reduction, witch jaw aesthetics and chin shaping procedures can be performed.

There are different methods according to the chin augmentation problem.

Biological or synthetic materials can be used in mild and moderate enlargements. Biologically, bone, cartilage or filler injections can be made. Synthetic products such as silicone, gore tex and medpor can be used. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in the mouth or under the chin, it is a 45-minute procedure and you can return to normal life on the same day.

In more advanced deformities, bone advancement procedures are performed.

Reduction procedures are also performed through the mouth in the same way.

Witch's jaw deformity occurs when the soft tissues of the jaw tip sag down due to aging and loss of volume in the bone. Dental problems can also trigger it. Under local anesthesia, the soft tissues under the chin are suspended upwards, any excess is removed and bone support is applied if necessary.

Excessive growth of the muscles in the jaw corners called masseter hypertrophy makes the face look wide and disrupts the facial oval. It usually occurs due to clenching teeth at night. Botox injection is an easy and effective method.

In cases where the jaw tip muscles are overworked, the jaw tip skin may appear wrinkled, and if there is volume loss in the bone, it may aggravate the problem. Again, Botox and, if necessary, implant gives good results.