Mass Removal with Laser

Today, laser technology can be used in many different areas. One of these is the removal of benign masses on the skin. These masses vary from person to person and have names such as moles, polyps and sebaceous glands. Different number of sessions and methods are used for each of them.

Although these masses with different characteristics do not cause any harm to the person's life, they can spread over time and cause skin problems. People who do not find themselves aesthetically beautiful due to these lesions also come to laser mass removal sessions. If you have a small mass in an invisible part of your body that does not harm you, there is no need for immediate laser treatment.

Although there are surgical operations for such benign masses, the probability of a scar forming where the mass was removed after surgery is close to 90%, while this rate is around 30% in laser treatment. Moreover, the scar closes in a much shorter time compared to a surgical treatment. In laser treatment, no anesthesia is usually administered and the patient is conscious. However, small local anesthesia can be applied for many parts of the body.

Before such an application, the person should definitely see a dermatologist to find out whether the mass is benign or malignant. Laser studies performed under the guidance of a dermatologist give results up to 100%.

For which areas laser application is performed?

Laser application can be done for every region. The facial area is the most preferred area where laser treatment is absolutely necessary.

What should be done before treatment?

The person who will undergo laser mass removal treatment should definitely see a plastic surgeon and dermatologist before the application.  In this examination, the mass should be carefully examined. Specialized physicians decide on the operation to be performed.

After determining the characteristics of the mass to be removed, if it is certain that the mass is not malignant, the mass is removed by laser application together with the specialist plastic surgeon and dermatologist.

What are the advantages of laser mass removal?

At the end of the mass removal procedure performed with laser, there is no risk of scarring in other methods.  There is no scar in the operation area. Since it is a simple procedure, the patient can resume his/her normal life after the treatment.

For which masses can laser treatment be applied?

In the treatment of fat deposits on the eyelids (Xanthelasma)

Treatment of cysts on the cheek (syringoma)

It can be applied in the treatment of cysts formed in the lower lid of the eye (syringoma).

Treatment of spots on the head, neck and shoulders due to aging (Seborrheic keratosis)

In the treatment of sun-induced spotting (Actinic keratosis)

Genetically inherited large moles (epidermal nevus)

Treatment of spots caused by the sun and aging (Lentigo)

Treatment of vascular masses formed after trauma (Pyogenic granuloma)