Liposelection, which was started to be performed as an alternative to the liposuction method used in the past years and due to the continuous renewal of technology and the medical world, is a method that leaves less damage compared to the old method. In the old system, while the fat in the body is removed by vacuum and the tip of the cannulas is quite wide, in the new system, liposelection, regional fat is removed with more technological cannulas, with cannulas with one or one and a half millimeter tips. This means that the damage to the lower layer of the body is less and this leads to an accelerated healing process and a better appearance. This is one of the most important reasons why the new system of liposelection is preferred.
What is Vaser? Vaser is one of the most special devices available in a set. Vaser, which is one of the most popular devices among the women and men of the world because its procedures are healthy and give effective results, is a device that combines new patented technology with advanced surgical methods and gives great results when applied. The working principle of the Vaser device can be shown as ultrasonic sound waves and advanced technological cannulas breaking down the regional fat layers and absorbing this fat layer that it breaks down with a special system. The fact that it does not make the patient feel any pain during these procedures and does not damage the lower layer of the skin is one of the biggest factors in its preference.
How is Vaser Liposelection performed?
As for the main title of the article, how vaser liposelection is performed, the excess fat tissues in the body determined by your specialist doctor are determined before this application. While sound waves are sent to the determined fat tissues with vaser technology, fat tissues are melted with thin cannulas. These melted fat tissues are absorbed with a special suction system. After this procedure, the fat tissue in the body will be completely eliminated. This is one of the most important reasons for individuals who want to have a beautiful appearance. The vaser method, which is less painful than the other system and the healing process is very short, has entered the medical world with the development of technology. Thanks to this method, excess fat tissues in the body are easily revealed.
Does body fat reappear after Vaser Liposelection?
It is necessary to explain the increase in sebaceous glands, i.e. regional adiposity, as follows. The number of fat cells in the body is certain and this number does not change. When we think that one hundred and fifty of the two hundred fat cells in the area have been removed with the vaserliposelection method, fat regain can be observed after the expansion of the remaining fifty fat cells. However, this enlargement will not be an enlargement that will look worse than the image that occurs with the enlargement of two hundred fat cells as in the old way. In short, although there is a chance of getting fat again after this operation, there will be a very big change compared to the old appearance. The amount in the area with fat will be reduced to its minimum level.
What should be done before Vaser Liposelection operation?
As in all aesthetic and surgical operations, smokers should not smoke or reduce smoking before this operation, and should not drink alcohol one week before the treatment. Plus, they should not take blood-thinning medications such as aspirin. In addition, not taking vitamin E while preparing for treatment is one of the important factors for the treatment to go well. Following the treatment method and schedule determined by your specialist doctor, not applying any cream to your body on the day of treatment or the day before is one of the factors that will ensure that the treatment and operation will go well and the results will be very good. If you follow these warnings, your doctor's and your job will be easier.
What should be done after Vaser Liposelection? If you want to have good results after the operation, you should follow your doctor's recommendations exactly and put them into action. It will be beneficial to start sports a day or two after the operation is over. In addition, massage is also very important. With a massage done correctly, your recovery time will accelerate. This will help you get back to your old self more quickly. Showering after the operation will be possible only with warm water after a day or two. The success rate of the operation may decrease after a shower that is not taken with warm water, so you should pay maximum attention to this issue. In addition, you will need to use the special corset determined by your doctor and varying according to the applied area for two to three weeks. If you comply with all these points, the success rate after the operation will increase.
How safe is Vaser Liposelection?
Thanks to the vaser method, which is extremely safe compared to the old system, it does not damage the surrounding tissues consisting of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue in the area where the operation is performed. This is an important point in increasing the safety and success of the operation, especially in minimizing the complications that may occur after the operation. It is an extremely reliable treatment method not only at this point but also aesthetically. With this method, there are no scars left on the body by the thick-tipped cannulas of the old method, so there is no need for stitches. The lack of the need for stitches and the use of very fine-tipped cannulas not only minimizes the feeling of pain, but also speeds up the healing process.
Will there be pain, bruising and swelling after Vaser Liposelection?
This question is one of the most frequently asked questions by patients. The answer to this is very clear. There is swelling and bruising after all surgical procedures. However, these swelling and bruises remain in the body temporarily. As a result of scientific researches conducted after regional fat removal with the vaser method, it is seen that less edema occurs and pain, bruising and swelling are minimized. This means that the method is highly technological and your specialist doctor performs a highly successful operation. One of the reasons why the Vaser method is preferred is its success in this regard.
Can anyone have Vaser Liposelection operation?
One of the biggest thoughts today is that these operations are seen as a slimming operation. Vaser operation is not a slimming operation and the main purpose of this operation, known as fat suction, is to remove the excess and correct the contours. Anyone can be treated in accordance with this purpose, but before treatment, it is necessary to visit a specialist doctor and get information about whether you are suitable for treatment. Some patients may not be suitable for this treatment, and the specialist and experienced doctor informs the patient that it is not suitable for the reasons stated by the patient after the tests and tests. For this reason, before having this procedure, it is one of the first things you should do to go to a specialist doctor and get information about whether you are suitable for the operation.
Do I need to diet after Vaser Liposelection operation?
This is one of the most common questions faced by specialist doctors after this operation. There is no diet program after the operation depending on the operation. In other words, the main reason for the success of the operation is not the diet program afterwards. However, if the patient does not want the sebaceous glands to enlarge and does not want to encounter the problem of regional adiposity again, he can request the necessary diet program from his specialist doctor and diet. Likewise, it is not necessary to exercise after the operation depending on the operation. However, both of these situations can be done in direct proportion to what kind of appearance the patient wants to have in the following days. Although diet is not necessary for everyone, exercise for sports purposes is beneficial for everyone and there is no harm in doing it after the operation. We can say that these are two relaxation methods that people can do voluntarily.
When did Vaser Liposelection start to be performed in our country?
We can say that classical liposuction operations have now been replaced by the vaserliposelection method. It has become one of the most preferred fat suction operations because it is easier to achieve the desired image, there is no problem in terms of safety and the success rate during and after the operation is wider. In our country, it appears as a method that can be considered new. This method, which was first applied in the United States and approved by the FDA, the American pharmaceutical agency, is applied in about 400 centers in the United States. As we said, this method, which first emerged in America, has started to be applied by many clinics in our country day by day. These applications do not reveal the disadvantages of the method being new in any way because the vaser method is a very safe method. Since it is one of the newer methods and has a higher chance of success, the most preferred application of women and men who want to remove fat tissues is successfully performed in many institutions in our country.