Our eyebrows are one of the structures we use the most to reflect our facial expression and mime. We can express that we are angry, joyful, confused with our eyebrows and therefore we always want our eyebrows to have a beautiful appearance, but sagging eyebrows with aging can cause disorders in our upper eyelid and the general appearance of our face. This can make our face look even older and cause us to have problems using the facial expressions we use to express ourselves. You can easily get rid of this situation with brow lift aesthetics. After the brow lift application, your eyebrows are brought to their former level and your facial expression is rejuvenated. In this way, you can show all kinds of facial expressions as before and look younger.
Choosing a Brow Lift Method
Since there is more than one eyebrow lift method, the right method should be chosen according to the condition of the person. Because if the person's eyebrows are lifted with the eyebrow lift method, problems may occur after the eyebrows are lifted, in order to avoid such situations, how much the eyebrows should be lifted and what kind of application should be designed before the application is performed. In addition to choosing the method, eyelid lifting, forehead lifting, temple lifting, if necessary, all of these applications should be performed for a better appearance, depending on the patient's condition in brow lift aesthetics.
Brow Lift with Botox
Botox eyebrow lift is a painless and fast method. In this method, botox is applied around the eyebrows by injection. With the applied injection, the eyebrows are lifted upwards in accordance with the facial structure. The procedure takes 6 - 7 minutes on average. Slight swelling and bruising are observed after Botox. However, with the ice complex applied, these swelling and bruises disappear in a short time.
Eyebrow Lift with Stretching Method
Eyebrow lifting with this method is permanent and is a very useful method for late and middle-aged people. First, the new position of the eyebrow is planned. An incision is made at the top of the eyebrow and the skin is removed. The eyebrow is combined with the skin above. It is performed with local anesthesia.
What kind of a program should be followed after eyebrow lift aesthetics?
After the operation, individuals should come to controls at specified time intervals. During these controls, the adaptation of the eyebrow to its new appearance is examined. If there is excessive lifting or if the eyebrow looks different due to this lifting, intervention is performed immediately. After brow lift aesthetics, patients are expected not to make too many facial expressions for a certain period of time, that is, they are expected to be aware that the eyebrow should not get tired, otherwise it will be a treatment that does not get full performance. Therefore, after this aesthetics, you should follow exactly what your doctors say.
Is It Obvious That I Raise Eyebrows?
It is one of the important questions that patients have in mind, but we should tell patients who want to have an eyebrow lift operation that they can apply it with peace of mind because only you and your doctor will be able to see this change after the operation.