Neck Aesthetics

Although the neck and face are neighbors, they are clearly separated from each other. The neck should be cylindrical with taut and healthy skin.

With the loosening of the muscle that wraps the neck like a corset under the neck skin, the neck sags and vertical bands form. With the loosening and sagging of the skin, horizontal bands are seen and there is also an increase in fat under the chin.

Liposuction is performed under the chin for mild deformities.

Botox, filling or suspension can be done for mild lines.

If there is not much sagging, if there are loose under the chin and vertical bands due to muscles, the muscles can be tightened and tension can be provided by endoscopic or small incision under the chin.

Neck lift is performed in severe cases. Excess skin is removed from the nape hairline.

If the chin tip is insufficient, it can be strengthened with an implant.