It is the aesthetic surgery that can be performed at the youngest age.
Since the ear completes 80% of its development around the age of 5, it is usually performed in the preschool period. In this way, he does not experience psychological distress among his friends during the school period.
Since the problem is the excessive angle of the ear with the head or the absence of ear folds, procedures are performed accordingly. General anesthesia is used in children and local anesthesia in adults.
With the incision made behind the ear, ear folds are created with non-melting stitches. If the angle is too much, the head is brought to the anatomical position.
For 3 days, the ear is kept closed with a dressing, then a hair band is worn day and night for 1 week, and a hair band is worn only at night for the next 1 week. On the 3rd day, shower is taken.
In the newborn period, the problem may improve by shaping and closing the ears in the first 1 month.
Surgical method should be preferred since there may be recurrence in the thread method.