There may be problems such as genetic or time-dependent volume loss in the lips, inward rotation due to elongation in the upper lip, lines in the upper lip (cigarette lines) or size of the lips.
Volume loss can be replaced with fillers. Hyaluronic acid and fat are the most commonly used. Permanent material in the lips has been abandoned due to its negative effects over time. Temporary methods are performed in repetitive periods. Fat fillers can be permanent if repeated. Permanent fullness can be achieved by surgical tissue shifting.
Elongation of the upper lip is corrected with a small surgical procedure performed at the junction of the nose and lips.
In cases where the lips are larger than normal, it can be treated for health purposes due to dryness as well as aesthetic discomfort. Thinning is achieved with tissues removed from the lips under local anesthesia.
Filling, botox or dermabrasion can be performed for the lines on the upper lips.
Collapse and sagging in the corner of the mouth give the face an unhappy and old expression. In the treatment, filling, botox, implant and facelift procedures are performed according to need.